Visual Designer & Illustrator
black friday cover_image.png

Evernote Black Friday Campaign

2022 Evernote Black Friday Campaign

Project: GTM, Emails. Web Banners, Blogs
Tools: Illustrator, Figma. Photoshop, After Effects

Here are my concepts and ideas for the campaign. I explored the design by using a variety of type faces, weights and sizes to create the look and feel of the hero image and assets. I settled on a neon sign look using the brand colors of Evernote green and Lime yellow.

Here are the final email designs for the Black Friday Promo.

In 2022 Evernote offered 25% off Professional to both Free and Personal users for the first time. This leaned into the Black Friday Consumer holiday and the focus was on what customers expect to see with this type of offer. This reached 129% of goal and created $149K in bookings. I was the sole designer on this project.

These are the two blog art pieces to help promote the Black Friday deal. One uses the design from the actual campaign while the second one uses the current design language for the blog art design.

Additional assets created for the campaign. These are push notifications and full screen take overs.